Ulrike Howe, New York

It was not easy to pick one of the soulful COLORS OF SUN images. I was completely taken by this bright shots of beautiful sun images, but I ended up choosing the haunting image “New Beginning”. I just love the energy and glow of this inspiring motif, this image adds a wonderful sense of happiness and peace to my world. I would not want to miss it!

“NEW Beginning”
Ulrike Howe

Sarah Hacker, Heidelberg

In our living room is hanging a sun picture from COLORS OF SUN with the motif joy. My children and I enjoy this beautiful, joyful room atmosphere every day.

Sarah Hacker

echobell, Wien

The energetically fine image delights me every day in my work room. It fits very finely into the natural ambience with wooden floor and white walls. I had chosen it by feeling and it fulfills and rejoices me again and again.

COLORS OF SUN Motif “Harmony”
Gerald Zrenner

Wellness for Perfection, Östringen-Eichelberg

In my office hangs a picture of COLORS OF SUN I use the symbolism and know that the sight of the picture does me good. It calms and gives me a feeling of space.

“I Am”
Armin Helfinger

IDEA, San Francisco

The photographic art of COLORS OF SUN in the rooms of IDEA, the dental training institute and practice, always inspires the course participants and patients. These powerful sun images radiates great joy, it is a pleasure to work in this rooms.

“Heart” and “Love”

Dental Office, Villa Schifferdecker Heidelberg

We are the 6th generation of our family to follow the dental vocation and believe in traditional values, which are fundamental to our work and lives. The COLORS OF SUN pictures with their radiant charisma are a wonderful enrichment and have vividly enhanced our room atmosphere. this inspiration supports our work and the people who visit us in a wonderful way.

COLORS OF SUN motif “Harmony”
Denis Prager, Dentist

Akademie für Potentialentfaltung, Göttingen

A special atmosphere is needed for people to open up to each other, to unleash the potential they possess inside them. We are very grateful for one of the photo art work of COLORS OF SUN because with its aura it contributes decisively to this atmosphere in our conference room at the Academy for Potential Development renewing itself again and again.

“Potential of the Source”
Prof. Gerald Hüther

Conscious Bodywork, Heidelberg

I have integrated COLORS OF SUN sun images in my therapy room. M clients often tell me how comfortable they feel in my rooms. As a body therapist, this is important and so I am very greatful for the enhancement of the room atmosphere through the sun pictures.

“Trust” and “Sign”
Christine Muncke

Privatpraxis für Psychotherapie

The picture “Paradise Earth” hangs in my new therapy room this picture from COLORS OF SUN conveys joy and confidence to people.

COLORS OF SUN Motiv “Paradies Erde”
Dr. med. Gundula Epp-Graack

Melanie Priester, Frankfurt

Sun and light have always touched me especially and therefore I am very happy that I found the COLORS OF SUN photo art. I love to live with the sun images from COLORS OF SUN with this joyful room atmosphere. I don’t want to miss it anymore.

COLORS OF SUN motif “Bloosom”
Melanie Priester


Light stands for vital energy, our customers and our team enjoy this double light force in our offices every day. The lamp concept Mittelicht has integrated the photographic art from COLORS OF SUN with this charisma in this shop in Seelenbinderstr. 129, 12555 Berlin.

“Potential of the Source”
Rayko Piwarz

Children's hospice Sterntaler e.V., Mannheim

Our journey with the COLORS OF SUN photo art began with the image “Potential of the Source”. The picture was given a central place in our building and began to have an effect with its light and colors of the sun throughout the room and beyond, creating a peaceful and harmonizing atmosphere in the room. Today we have many sun pictures in our rooms and are very happy about this lightful art and inspiration.

COLORS OF SUN motif “Blessing”
Anja Hermann Executive Director

Claudia Scholten, Frankfurt

Every time I pass by my canvas picture -unfolding- I feel a wonderful energy. This positive energy that emanates from the image is a real heart opener. It expresses peace and freedom to me. I am super happy to see it on my wall.

COLORS OF SUN motif “Unfolding”
Claudia Scholten

Rita Fehst, Horrenberg

To place one of the sun cards, they are 34 cards, in my beautiful acrylic stand from COLORS OF SUN is a real pleasure every time. The radiance of the cards from COLORS OF SUN on my desk emanates harmony for me.

COLORS OF SUN Acrylic Stand
Card motif “Joy”
Rita Fehst