The philosophy of the photo-art
Made for good vibes
The philosophy of the sun art
Picture motif titles
Luck, Light, Blessing, Gratitude, Gift, Consciousness, Potential of the Source, Sun Child, Unfolding, I Am, We Are, Enthusiasm, Mystery, Freedom, Purity, Spirit, Life, Trust, Sign, Life Plan, Heart, New Beginning, Middle Way, Love, Humanity, Truth, Cycle, Harmony, Connection, Paradise Earth, Peace, Joy, Blossom, Dignity
The motif names of the pictures were created by the artist’s imagination while photographing in direct sunlight. All the pictures were created in this special atmosphere of sunlight.
The sun, as a symbol, is the source of life and a source of inspiration and joy. The sun pictures create good vibes when looking at them and in the rooms. These images are a source for special room atmosphere.